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Are the works available in print in reissue?

All the works presented in are unique original works, they are not published in different media or beyond the number of editions defined by the artist in their description...

Does the work come with the frame that appears in the photo?

No. The work is sold and delivered unframed and arrives in packaging designed by the artist for this collection.

Is a certificate of authenticity issued for works for sale?

All the works for sale at are accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by the artist.

The work is no longer available, can I request a similar one?

For the duration of the collection, yes, feel free to contact us if unfortunately the piece you like is no longer available for sale.

Are all the works presented on available for sale?

Not always because fortunately we have already made sales and we present other collections and works by the artist! Only the works that appear in the store are available for sale. If the work you like has been sold, this is indicated in the description of the piece. In case you do not find another job to your liking. Feel free to write to us while the collection is in store! Mayesa will do everything possible to satisfy your request.

Does the image I see on the web exactly represent the work?

The image is an accurate description of the artwork, but has no contractual value.

If the artwork is not what you expected, we are very sorry, please contact us at and we will surely find a solution together.

How to buy art at

To purchase a piece of art, you must click on the "add to cart" button, which is found on all pages of works of art. You will be redirected to your cart, you can continue shopping or directly press the "buy now" button, and select the payment method (card...Paypal,).

Once your payment has been processed, you'll receive confirmation from our payment processor, Shopify.

At that time, those works will no longer be available for purchase by anyone else.

How to buy Mayesa Mira art outside of

The artist has permanent work in various art galleries, and also collaborates with interior designers. All this information and her contact details are on the web in the sections: Permanent Work and Collaborations.

What methods of payment do you accept?

Our Shopify payment gateway is completely secure.

You can pay for your works using this gateway with Visa, Maestro, and Mastercard credit cards and you also have the option of paying through Paypal, if you prefer.

What happens when the payment has been processed?

Once the payment is made, the work is reserved for you!

You will quickly receive a notification to confirm your purchase and the delivery times (between 2 and 5 business days), and you will also be able to follow the shipment of your work in real time by means of a tracking code that will be sent to your email or by SMS to your mobile.

When will my credit card be charged?

When the work is purchased from the cart at , an online payment is made to Mayesa Mira.

You can check with your bank for more information.

I want to make a gift, but I don't know which work to choose. Do you have gift cards?

Yes! You can buy it in the store itself.

The gift card does not have an expiration date, it can be used to purchase any of the works that are available on the web when it is the most opportune moment for the card holder.

What countries do you ship to?

We deliver Mayesa's works to any part of the world where a package can be sent with all the guarantees that it will arrive in the best conditions, and within the stipulated period.

Can I send artwork to another country or to another person?

We will send to the address that you indicated in your order, if your order is a gift for another person, you can send us an email to putting in the subject GIFT with your special needs and we will do everything possible to attend to them as soon as possible , so that your gift arrives on time and as you want it to be received.

What is the deadline ?

When confirming your order, we inform you of each delivery period, depending on the address to which you request us to send it.

We will provide you with a code and access to a page where you can easily track your order, you can also track the shipment in real time using a tracking code that will be sent to your email or SMS.

Are the works of my order insured during shipment?

Yes, that shouldn't worry you, Mayesa Mira has organized it that way with the transport companies so that everything reaches you in perfect condition. If you have any questions about this, you can contact us at and we will be happy to assist you.

If I buy several works of art, will they be delivered at the same time and in the same package?

If the purchase date is the same, they will normally be in a single package and will arrive at the same time.

If this is not the case, you just have to send us an email to with your shipping and delivery needs, putting SHIPPING in the subject and we will do our best to meet your needs in the best way and in the shortest possible time. .

Who handles the delivery?

We work with carriers such as Correos, Ups, Seur, Inpost... or carriers specialized in artistic products, depending on the country of destination and the dimensions of the works, so that our shipments reach you in the best conditions.

How is the packaging of the works?

The artist has designed a special packaging for each collection.

It is a gift-ready packaging!

The works are packaged by the artist with care in that special packaging that protects them so that you receive them in perfect condition.

Is there a problem with your order confirmation?

Do not hesitate to contact us at any time for any question, about the means of payment, delivery or any other question.

Contact: and we will respond as soon as possible.

Can I cancel my order?

Of course, please review the cancellation terms and conditions to follow the steps in them.

You cannot cancel the order after it has been sent to the address that you have given us in the order.

Once the package has been deposited with the transport company, you can no longer cancel it, but you can return it to us if you are not satisfied with the work, following the conditions that appear in the following section: Returns

How do I make a return?

Our goal is, of course, that your experience at provides you with full satisfaction. But since we cannot foresee everything... here we provide you with some answers to possible cases. If you do not find yours, please send us an email to with the word RETURNS in the subject , explain your needs and we will do our best to solve it together in the best way for everyone.

I changed my mind or I don't like the artwork anymore... What can I do?

It's a shame, but it happens! You have 15 days, counted from the receipt of the package, to inform us via email of your wish to return the works. We will organize and cover the costs of the return as long as the return is requested during that period.

You will be reimbursed the amount you have paid once the work has been returned and received by the artist in the same conditions in which it was sent to you.

In the case of returns that are not notified to us during the 15 days following receipt of the package, you are responsible for packaging the work and assuming the shipping costs to Mayesa Mira.

The artwork has arrived damaged. What should I do?

Contact us via with the words DAMAGED WORK in the subject line as soon as you notice the damage and within 15 days of receiving the package.

We ask you to take photos in which this damage can be clearly seen and attach them to the email so that we can make the best decision together.

Depending on the extent of the damage, we can repair the work, or you can return it and choose another work with similar characteristics or ask us for a refund of the amount paid.

In case of damaged work covers the costs of repair and transportation in case of damage during delivery.